Current Projects
The AWARE Study
The AWARE Study is focused on better understanding thinking patterns and emotions in teenagers. Teens would come to Oregon State for one visit where they will answer questions and complete a task where they think about the past or future while breathing and heart rate data is collected (2 hrs). They also would respond to short (1-2 min) surveys on their smartphone for 2 weeks and complete two more sets of online questionnaires about thoughts, emotions, and behavior (30 min each). Teens earn up to $152 and learn new skills to get unstuck from these thinking patterns.
This project is funded by AIM Youth Mental Health.
This study is now closed.
Mental Images of Suicide Study
Suicidal mental imagery is potentially a powerful predictor of suicidal behavior whereas the ability to form positive mental imagery about the future may be protective. Examining suicidal mental imagery in adolescents is critical, especially since mental imagery abilities peak at this age. This study examines whether suicidal mental imagery and positive mental imagery about the future predict suicide risk among adolescents after discharge from psychiatric hospitalization. If found, suicidal mental imagery could be assessed to improve clinical decision-making and positive mental imagery could be used in interventions to prevent suicide. This study is conducted in partnership with the Mood and Behavior Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Recruitment for this study is currently not open to teens in Oregon.
This project is funded by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Our Recent Findings
When teens and young adults get stuck mentally imagining negative things from the past, they experience more depressive symptoms than when they get stuck verbally thinking about negative things from the past.
Even young children can be at risk for suicide. 14.33% of 9- and 10-year-olds have thoughts about suicide and 1.26% have attempted suicide.
The majority of teens and young adults who have considered suicide report mental imagery about suicide. Mentally imagining suicide puts people at nearly 3X higher risk for attempting suicide.
9- and 10-year-olds who identified as male, a sexual minority, or multiracial and youth who have more than 1 mental health diagnosis are at highest suicide risk.
Lawrence, H.R., Burke, T.A., Sheehan, A.E. et al. (2021). Prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in preadolescent children: A US population-based study. Translational Psychiatry 11, 489.
Prior Research
Selected Publications
Lawrence, H.R., Burke, T.A., Sheehan, A.E. et al. (2021). Prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in preadolescent children: A US population-based study. Translational Psychiatry 11, 489.
Lawrence, H. R., Nesi, J., Burke, T. A., Liu, R. T., Spirito, A., Hunt, J., & Wolff, J. C. (2021). Suicidal mental imagery in psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents. Research on child and adolescent psychopathology, 49(3), 393-399.